This section is for page update info and just about anything else Tachibana-sensei-related that I can think of that doesn't belong in any of the other sections. All sorts of random goodies will be here ^_^

--Winamp Skins

I am a winamp skin-making freak, and have of course made several using Tachibana-sensei's art. Check em out! (you can also see the rest of my winamp skins from other anime and manga series at my winamp skins page :)

-Rasen no Kakera (8 skins)
-Shinesman (1 skin)

-Shinesman: Hope (my own attempt at a Sasaki picture)

--Fan fiction
-if you have any fan fiction you have done set in any of Tachibana-sensei's series, let me know and I'll link to it here :)