What's New?
July 17, 2018
I have been lazy, sorry! I updated the Dramas section to mention the Hana Nochi Hare drama and the new Meteor Garden 2018 drama! It's so amazing to me that after running this site for 20 years, there is still new HYD stuff to report on!
April 22, 2017
I finally got around to adding some info about the HYD Musical. I was fortunate enough to actually be there to see it in person on opening night last year! It was great! I added this info to the "Dramas" section, as I don't have a 'Musicals" section. Maybe on the next version of this site... Oh and there is also a South Korean adaptation of the musical as well! I need to see that!
August 28, 2015
Great news for HYD anime fans in the US! Discotek has rescued the license to the anime and will be releading a new DVD box set! Yay! If you were never able to get all those single volumes VIZ put out, now is your chance to get the whole series at once! Details are still sketchy - no release date or cover art posted yet, but they did say it will contain the sub and the dub. I'll update again when I learn more!
August 13, 2015
I've added an image of the cover of the Japanese printed edition of 'Hana Nochi Hare - HanaDan Next Season' over in the manga section.
February 16, 2015
Oh hey, I'm updating this news section again! I actually updated this HYD site last year upon the release of that train-wreck 'Boys Before Friends' (see the 'Dramas' section down at the bottom) but I forgot to update this 'News' section. Oops. Well, now I'm back again for a new update because there is big news in HYD land -- a NEW MANGA! A sequel series, 'Boys Over Flowers - Season 2' has just started! Please check out the 'Manga' section for more information! Woohoo!
September 22, 2009
I'm still here! I am just really slow to update :) I know I should probably expand the drama section of my site, seeing as how they KEEP MAKING HYD DRAMAS! ) (Er, not that this is a bad thing, lol). The most recent version of HYD is, indeed, a Chinese adaptation called Meteor Shower. This is different than the Taiwan HYD drama MEteor Garden.
I have just added some brief information about this series (which started airing in August 2009) to the drama section of this site. There are also rumors of a Filipino version of HYD called "Bulalakaw sa Hardin" starring Sarah Geronimo in the Tsukushi role, but details on that are still a bit sketchy. I have also picked up some reprints of the HYD manga that came out around the time of the Japanese HYD drama. There isn't really anything new in them, I just think they look cool, and each volume has 2 regular HYD volumes of content. So I will eventually post some pictures of those, too. Yay, HYD lives on!
January 8, 2009
Made some minor updates to the section about the Region 2 DVD release of the HYD anime and added a few small pictures of the cast in the korean HYD drama.
December 17, 2008
I finally got around to adding a picture and some basic info in the Drama section for the Korean live-action HYD tv series that is starting in January 2009. I can't wait to see this!
June 25, 2008
Well, I added the cover to HYD manga volume 37. I also added a little bit more info to the HYD 2008 movie listing, mentioning that Naohito Fujiki is in it (yay!) and that Arashi is doing the main theme song (of course!). "Hana Yori Dango Final" comes out in just a few days now.... Woo hoo! I still haven't added any info about the HYD DS game, but the screenshots I have seen look very cute :D I really should add a new section about the HYD author, Kamio Yoko, where I can talk about things like Cat Street (which is getting its own drama series soon, yay!) and her recent shounen manga, Matsuri Special, not to mention some of her older works. Hmm... maybe I will get to it after Anime Expo in July.
May 17, 2008
I added a few more of the English HYD manga covers, and created a spot for HYD manga volume 37 which is coming out in June 2008. I am assuming that it will contain the various HYD side stories that have been published since the main series ended. There are other things I need to add- info about the new HYD Nintendo DS game, the various merchandise related to the HYD Final live action movie, but I don't have time at the moment. I will try to get to that soon!
September 04, 2007
I have added a screencap gallery of images from the 1995 HYD movie. Please excuse my stupid comments below each picture, I really couldn't resist ^^;;;
August 18, 2007
I made some minor updates to the HYD Drama section, and added the BIG NEWS of the upcoming HYD live action movie that is coming out in Japan in Summer 2008! (YAY!) Wow, look at the long list of updates on this News page o.o I have been making updates to it for over 10 years now! I feel old -_-;
February 19, 2007
Just made a few minor edits. Corrected the number of episodes in HYD drama season 2, added cover images for the drama OP WISH (season 1) and Love SO Sweet (season 2) and the cover of the season 2 ost. Added a couple more US English manga covers and small images of the region 2 dvd release of the HYD anime.
January 1, 2007
Wow, another quick update! I added a picture of the cover of the HYD anime region 2 box set that went on sale in 2006 (I wish I could afford this!), and added the cover of the first three individual Region 2 HYD anime DVDs that are going on sale January 21 2007. (I love the covers!) I also added covers of more of those cobalt pinky books in the manga section. I feel so productive today!
December 30, 2006
Not much of an update, but I did clarify the number of episodes for HYD drama season 2, the theme song info, and added to the HYD cast listing. The HYD2 drama starts in January~~~~~ W00t! (I can't believe I have been maintaining this site for just about 10 years now! Good Grief...I feel old now ;_;) I also added a few more manga covers from the US release by VIZ and the covers of the Japanese collected edition.
August 05, 2006
I have added to the drama page the news about the upcoming second season of the HYD drama! I also finally added a little bit of info about the HYD drama soundtrack to the Music section.
June 07, 2006
Just some minor updates to mention the Region 2 DVD release of the drama and anime, and updated the US volumes available in the manga section. Oh, and edited the section about Rui's voice actor.
October 22, 2005
I updated the Drama section to include some cast picture screenshots from the new HYD drama that started airing last night~ :D
September 11, 2005
Big News! I am so excited!! Everyone is probably aware of the Taiwan live action series Meteor Garden and how popular it was all over Asia. Well now I am happy to see that they are FINALLY making a Japanese live action drama for HYD! I am soooo excited! Even better, they managed to get one of my very favorite people, Matsumoto Jun (from the group ARASHI, and star of another most excellent drama, Gokusen) to play Doumyouji! I can't believe it, I am so happy! Another awesome guy, Oguri Shun (also from Gokusen) is playing Rui. The official webside for the HYD jdrama is here.
July 11, 2005
Well, it has been a while again, and I decided this page was due for another update ^_^ I have once again redesigned it, going for a basic, no-frames look this time. I like keeping things simple. Aside from the redesign, I have updated little bits here and there throughout the site, fixing broken links, updating information about the end of HYD and the US releases. I read through some of my update notes on this page here, and I must say that it is strange to see how long I have been working on this HYD site. Over 8 years now! I am happy to see how popular HYD has become since I first started this site. Back then no one had any idea what HYD was, and now it's everywhere! This is so awesome! ^_^ It's funny how I tend to update this site in July o.O
July 20, 2003 Wow, almost a year since my last update. I decided I didn't like the 'redesigned' layout of this HYD page, and opted to redesign it yet again. So here is Version 3.0. There is big news in the world of HYD- It was FINALLY licensed! VIZ has both the anime and manga, and will be releasing them in 2003. Hurrah! I added info about the Viz versions of the anime and manga in the anime and manga sections. I also updated some links and weeded out some bad ones.
July 30, 2002 Wheee, breaking yet another record for the time between updates, here I am with a long-awaited site-redesign! I finally, after 5 years, have updated the look of this poor place, and I have updated the information in the manga section, and have made some edits here and there. One of the biggest new things in the world of HYD is the creation of Meteor Garden, the Live-Action TV drama from Taiwan that is based on the HYD anime and manga. I have added a new section about this series too!
July 12, 2000
Oh wow, has hell frozen over? I have actually updated this page again! WOW! I amaze myself at the time I take between updates now ^_^ Anyway, I added the summary for episode 27 to the
episode guide! Now there is only one epsisode left for me to do, and my 3-year stint of procrastination will be over! How long will it take me to do that ep 25 summary? lets find out, shall we? :)
Lets see, what else did I do.. I finally got around to adding the picture of the covers of manga volumes 25 and 26 to the manga page. Oh yeah, I encourage everyone to visit the HYD project page, there are lots of manga summaries there now.
I have also just opened up a Hana Yori Dango Bulliten board for this page! Please post/sign on it! :)
December 15,1999
Wow, big change this time :) I have moved the entire HYD page from Xoom over to my new web space host place niko-niko.net! Amazing, no xoom bar any more! Yay! I fixed all the broken links I could find, eliminated a few links that I couldn't restore any more, and changed were a couple of links lead to. I also added my little comments about the recently released HYD manga volume 24 over in the manga section. *whew!*
August 8, 1999
See? I really am working on the page! :) A lot of little maintenace things done today. Got rid of all the broken links in Tsukushi's seiyuu page. Replaced them with a very cool, WORKING link to the official Mochida Maki page. Fixed the broken title image on my HYD Illustration book page, Added a few more basic stats to Tsukushi's character page, added a few more stats to Doumyouji's character page, same with Rui's page, corrected some minor typos on the story page, finally fixed some of the typos in the HYD episode summaries.
August 7, 1999
Can it possibly be? Wow, a little update again! Sorry it took so long! Look at how long I have been working on this page, over 2 years now! Anyway, here, at last, is a scan of the recently released HYD manga volume 23 in the Manga section. And also.. WOW, can it BE?? I uploaded another episode summary, one for episode 21 which I have been missing forever! Yes, I know that the links for episodes 25 and 27 aren't active ^^ It's because I haven't written those summaries yet. Geeze, my greatest bit of procrastination yet! I'll write them soon, really...
Also, I know that there are a lot of broken links on this page, resulting from my having to move the entire thing from server to server. I think will finally make an atempt to fix all the broken links, eliminate the ones that cannot be replaced, and finally do some general page maintenance :) It's been awhile! I mean yeesh, look at all the typos on here! I can type in correct English, really I can ^^;;;
Someone is about to give me a nice huge chunk of server space on his new server, so I am thinking of moving this whole page once again, just to get it off of Xoom. I mean yeesh, doesn't that Xoom bar just totally suck? Ok, enough rambling! See ya next update! Oh, and go check out my other web pages!
March 28, 1999
Wow, it sure has been a long time since I updated this page :) And this
isn't really that much of an update as it is :) Volume 22 of the HYD manga came out recently,
and I added a scan of the cover of it, and the ISBN# over on the manga page :) And from what I hear,
Volume 4 of the HYD fansub is almost done :) (It's about time, ne?) Sorry about the lack of updates :) I have been working
on my other pages ^_^ (feel free to check them out at http://fly.to/Emichan) Heheh :)
November 22, 1998
HYD manga volume 21 came out recently! A scan of the cover is in the Manga section.
I also added images of the japanese VHS tape covers for HDY volumes 11 and 12 over in the Movies section!
The Links section was updated with links to the manga translation page :)
I added a scan of the anime film book in the Movies section also.
August 28, 1998
Yay! I finally got the HYD Manga Illustration book! There are now some scans from it in the manga section!
July 30, 1998
I added a brief description of the HYD Cobalt Pinky books in the Manga section,
along with scans of the covers of 3 of the volumes!
July 28, 1998
Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention the link I also added in the movie section to a web page dedicated to the actor that plays Doumyouji in
the live-action movie. Wow, he has a fanclub! :) I am also trying to salvage the beginnings of the Fun Facts section that I had created right
before all of my files for these pages poofed into oblivion. The fun facts page was nifty, I hope I can recreate it! Oh yeah! A HYD Mailing List has been created!
(not by me though, this is just a cheerful endorsement :) If you want to join the new ML and chat with other hyd fans, check this page out!
July 27, 1998
In the Movies section, I threw in some pictures of the HYD VHS tape covers from the tapes that Toei is releasing of the series.
Those covers are cool! Guess which oneis my favorite! I also added an Episode summary for ep #21. It's about time, eh!!! Now
lets see how long I will procrastinate before doing the summaries of eps 25 and 27! Hopefully not aslong asit has been between the last one and ep 21 I added today! :)
Anyway, enjoy!
July 17, 1998
I re-attached the links to the source of HYD MP3s and the romanji lyrics for the op and 1st ed song. I also got rid of my old web counter and am tryinga new one.
Hope this one works better ^^ Should I add a guestbook to the page? Hmm
July 12, 1998
Okay! I have added the character pages for Shigeru, Sakurako, Makiko, Junpei, Tsukushi's Family,and Thomas. Whooh!
July 11, 1998
I have fixed some of the images in the characters section, added the link
to the char. descrip of Tsubaki, reopened the little manga scans gallery in the manga section,
put pics of the covers of manga vols. 4-6, 16, etc back up. I also fixed the broken images in some of teh episode summaries, added some new images from the anime in some of the episode summary pages, and added a summary for episode 24!
June 21, 1998
Progress has slowed a little bit as I remember to work frantically on my other pages too :) Feh! I have so much to do! Anyway, A new volume of HYD manga has just come out! I have added a picture of the cover for volume 20 in the manga section.
I am still working on fixing the other sections... :)
May 22, 1998
Well, I am making some progress in restoring this page to its former glory. I have created a new 'Story' section, fixed most the images in the 'Movies' and 'Music' sections,
and have made progress with fixing the 'Manga' Section. I still need to recreate the Manga image gallery, the 'Toys' Section (I have already scanned some images for this), the 'Links' section, and the 'Characters' sections. Don't worry, those
will be fixed very soon! And as I mention on the title page, almost all of my episode summaries are gone, however I do now have some hope of getting back some of the early ones. I will find out next week. Remember, if you have any of them saved, I would love to get them back! Please email them to me! :)
Wish me luck!
January 25, 1998
Gah! Not having my own computer or access to photoshop or a scanner is driving me crazy! I have a few more volumes of the
HYD manga that I want to add images of to the manga section, but I can't! I will add my comments about those volumes to that section anyway though ASAP,
even though I can't add cover images. I also have a nifty HYD anime/movie album that has lots of images from the series and movie, but I can't scan it either! Wah! (*sobs in self-pity*) ^_^
I have also added part of the Misc. Fun Facts section. There isn't a whole lot there yet, but I am working on it, it will be updated as often as possible for me!
Because I no longer have photoshop, making a nice logo for the page or matching the font style of the link to the rest of the title page isn't possible
for me at this time. But if I ever manage to get a computer for myself, I will fix this ASAP :)
January 12, 1998
Okay! I have finally seen the Hana Yori Dango anime movie, look for my comments on it in the Movies section! :)
I am still working on my Fun Facts section. I think I am gathering more trivial info about the show than anyone would ever want to know, but oh well ^_^
December 27, 1997
Sorry there haven't been any updates recently! I just graduated college and moved
to San Francisco, so I have been a bit busy! Not to mention the fact that I no longer
have my own computer! I will continue to update when I get the chance! I am still working on
a Fun Facts section, and I expect to receive the HYD anime movie (unsubbed) in the mail soon.
So expect some more info on the movie in the Movies section soon! Ja ne!
November 27, 1997
Okay, I have added a listing for Doumyouji Kaede in the 'Other Characters' section.
I also added a little link to the HYD live action movie description.
November 24, 1997
Okay, the summaries for HYD eps 50-51 are up at last! Now if I could only get those summaries for those misc eps before this that I have skipped :) I'll get to them, really I will :)
November 22, 1997
YAY! YAY! rejoice everyone! I *finally* got HYD eps 50-51! finally! I have a nice happy sense of completion now that I have seen all of it. (Gotta get my hands on that HYD anime movie, I tell ya :) Anyway, hopefully on Monday I will get the summaries for those 2 eps online. (I have to go out of town this weekend ^^)
OH yeah! I also was gifted with HYD manga vol 18! yay! I didn't even know this one was out yet! Coolness! I added a scan of its cover to the manga page. I'll try to get scans from the interior of it in the gallery on monday as well. Wish me luck!
November 11, 1997
Okay, I just got HYD manga volume 17, and have added scans of the cover and some of the pages from it to my manga gallery section, check em out! And wow, I just might get hyd eps 50-1 soon! I have renewed hope! Cross your fingers for me! :)
November 3, 1997
Not much new to report. School is keeping me pretty busy!
I did add an episode summary for ep #15 though.
I am trying to go back and fill in the eps I skipped on the summary page.
I *still* have not seen eps 50-51 yet. Arg!!
Also I am working on fixing the links section. Now that the show is over, many of the links for the series have disappeared! Wah! So look for that page to change too.
October 17, 1997
Added a little news tidbit to the HYD Movies section. oooh Ahh :)
October 15, 1997
Wow, I finally added summaries for episodes 47-49! YAY! Unfortunately, I don't have any more episodes! I have been trying to get the last 2 eps forever, but haven't had any luck! I am still trying, and I do see a faint glimmer of hope on the horizon, so keep checking back here :)
Oh, look in the manga gallery for a few scans from volume 9!
I also plan to add a HYD Misc. Fun Stuff section containing interesting bits of info like a tally of all the kisses in the series, all the different voice memo recordings Tsukushi says (and the ones Makiko and Rui said), etc. Fun little trivia bits! (Doumyouji's amazing wardrobe! :)
October 6, 1997
Some more scans from the HYD manga have been added to the Manga gallery. Scans from volumes 4 and 8. :)
September 24, 1997
Added the episode summary for #46! (Slowly, but surely I'll get these summaries done! :)
September 20, 1997
Yay, another episode summary ^_^ Episode 45 summary is done. Now if I can just get the others done :)
September 14, 1997
I added a midi version of TRF's 'Overnight Sensation' to the page in a new MIDI section off of the Music section, and moved the other 2 HYD MIDIs that I have to that section also.
Yeah yeah, I know, I know, I will get those episode summaries up soon, really ^_^;;;
September 7, 1997
I *finally* added an episode summary for ep #44! (yay ^_^) Summaries for eps 45-49 should be up in a day or 2 :) *crosses her fingers*
September 5, 1997
In the Movies section, I added links to the romaji lyrics for 'Baby's Growing Up' and 'Overnight Sensation' from the HYD live-saction movie! (thanks smeng!)
August 31, 1997
Yay, I have finally managed to get an mp3 of the opening song to the HYD Live Action movie. A link to it is in the Movies section. I really recommend getting the Uchida Yuki single and CDs that it is on! She is a cool singer ^_^
August 27, 1997
Not much new really =) I added one more episode title translation (ep #50) Oooh ahh =) However I thought I hsould point out that with the end of the HYD anime, Toei has just revamped their HYD page. Now in the playback section, you can access the previously unavailable summaries (in Japanese of course) for the first 9 eps. What I am really happy about though are the images for each of the 9 eps. Some of these I haven't seen before ^_^ Cool!
August 26, 1997
I added a few episode names in the episode guide, and also noted that episode 51, which airs Sunday, August 31, 1997, is the Last Episode of Hana Yori Dango! Nooooooo! Wahh =(
In the Links section, I added links to places I know of where you can get episodes of Hana Yori Dango anime (currently unsubbed) and the HYD manga.
August 25, 1997
An mp3 of some of the jazzier style of BGM from the Hanadan Encore Piece CD (the BGM for Shigeru)
was added to the music section.
I will add summaries for eps 44 and 45 soon, really!
Coming soon also, is a small section dealing with one of the questions most frequently asked of me, 'Where can I find HYD anime/manga, and has it been fansubbed yet?' so stay tuned ^_^
August 17, 1997
I added, in the music section, a link to a HYD Background music mp3. Very nice classical style music, lots of violin... check it out! :)
Yay, I just got volume 9 of the HYD manga! Thanks Deborah :) Anyway, I scanned the cover of it and included it in the Manga section.
In the manga scan gallery, I added a few pictures from Volume 10.
August 16, 1997
Added a MIDI of 'Baby's Growing Up', Yuki Uchida's song from the HYD live action movie in the Movies section.
August 14, 1997
Added an episode summary for #43! :) Will try to do ep 44 tonight as well..
August 13, 1997
Okay, the link to the 2nd ending song mp3 should be open in the music section now :)
Woo hoo, a summary for ep #42 is now up =)
August 12, 1997
Okay, this isn't really an update of anything new on the page, but I just thought I would mention that I *finally* got a hold of HYD eps 42-45 (wow, things are getting very interesting! What is with all the nudity? ^_^) and will be posting my summaries of them in a day or two, so be sure to peek back here soon!
*ALSO* I finally got a very good quality mp3 of the extended version of the second HYD ending song which I will also add to this page in the next day or two! Be on the look out for that! (I had decided not to add the old icky mp3 I had in favor of waiting for a good one, and now I have it!) The link to the mp3 will be added ASAP. =)
August 08, 1997
I added a few more scans from the manga in the manga gallery section. Pictures from Volumes 11 and 16.
I am still waiting (im)patiently to get my hands on HYD anime eps 42+. As soon as I do,
I will update the summaries page, really! :) Sorry for the lack of activity here! I did manage to update my Anime Men Hunk-O-Meter page a little bit though =) Now to the Mizuiro Jidai page. That needs updating badly too :) Wow I am busy, ne? :)
July 20, 1997
In the HYD Movies section, I have added a link to an mp3 of a song that is used in the HYD Live Action movie. I think it's a fun song!
July 19, 1997
In the Manga section, I have opened the beginnings of a HYD manga Image Gallery!
I added a couple more episode titles.
Added a summary for episode 19
July 14, 1997
Added the height, weight, and blood types of most of the main characters in the character section. Added a picture of a HYD cover of Margaret and a picture of one of the opening pages. (Coolcolor pic of Doumyouji and Tsukushi)
July 10, 1997
Added summaries for episodes 33, 35-41 (yay!) now to catch up with older episodes=)
July 7, 1997
Added a new character to the 'Other Characters' section, and also included more info about Tsukushi's family as well as pictures of them from the manga.
I have now seen up to episode 41, and am working on more episode summaries, trying to catch up on all the episodes. Wish me luck ^_^
July 6, 1997
Added Episode Summaries for eps 11, 13, 14, and 32.
Added a few more pictures from the manga in some of the episode summaries such as ep 4 and 5.
July 3, 1997
I added episode summaries for eps 8, 26, and 34.
June 30, 1997
Added some scans of pictures from the Hanadan 'Variations' CD
Added thumbnails and scans of the covers of manga volumes 4-7
June 29, 1997
I added an image of the both the first HYD CD single, and the newest HYD CD single of the 2nd ending song.
Added a couple of episode titles to the episode guide and changed a translation of one, and added a translation of another
Opened up the Links section!
June 28, 1997
I added a few pictures from the manga here and there in the tv episode summaries. I don't have anything to make direct frame grabs from the anime with, so I used pics from the manga that correspond to each episode. More will be added when I can =)
June 26, 1997
YAY! I have opened the manga section! It isn't complete yet, but there are some cool pictures there! I have many plans for improving this section!
June 25, 1997
Added color images of the CD covers.
Corrected Doumyouji's Sister's name from Tsubasa to Tsubaki in the character guide. Still need to change it in the Episode Guide.
June 22, 1997
Added a (somewhat accurate :) translation for the opening song
Added an episode summary for episode 7
June 21, 1997
Added episode summaries for #10 and #31.
June 19, 1997
Found the seiyuu names for Akira, Makiko-chan, Doumyouji, Soujirou, Tsukushi's Mama and brother, Yuki
Found the character last names for Makiko-chan, Ayuhara, Asai
Added a episode summary for eps #30
Added a couple new Episode titles or translations.
Added Tsukushi's mother's description to the Other Characters section (will add other family members soon)
Added a couple new toy pictures on the toys page.
June 18, 1997
Finished the summary for HYD episde 5
Added Seiyuu listings for Kazuya, Yuki, Sakurako, and Shizuka
Added a link to a kanji lyrics for op./ed songs
Added a couple more Mochida Maki links
Updated the Episode Guide and edited a few episode names.
Added a Summary for HYD Ep 6