The Manga
The Hana Yori Dango manga was written and drawn by a woman named Kamio Yoko, and it ran in the bi-weekly shoujo manga compilation called Margaret, which is published by Shueisha. To the right is a picture of a cover of Margaret that has Hana Yori Dango on it. Click the thumbnail to see it up close. Also, here is a picture from the opening pages of the story. I love the color pictures at the beginnings of many of the Margaret installments!
Anyway, Hana Yori Dango ran in Margaret from 1992 through 2003, with a side story in January 2004. That is a pretty good run for a shoujo series! There are a total of 37 regular 'tankoubon' (collected volumes) of the HYD manga available in Japanese, as well as several larger collected editions, each volume the size of two tankoubon together. The Hana Yori Dango manga is being released in English in the US by Viz, under the name of Boys Over Flowers.
 Starting in February 2015, a NEW bi-weekly Hana Yori Dango manga series has started! In Japan it's called Hana Nochi Hare ~ Hanadan Next Season. In English, it's being called Boys Over Flowers - Season 2 and, amazingly enough, in Japan it is being published digitally in Jump+! That means the new series is actually SHOUNEN! Wow! This new series takes place back at Eitoku Gakuen, but now it is a few years later. The F4 have graduated, and the prestigous school has a new generation of students attending it, and a new set of problems! The series is available from Viz online, for FREE, released simultaneously with Japan! Can't get much better than that, folks! To check out the FREE English release of the series, go visit VizManga!
Hana Nochi Hare (HanaDan Next Season) Volume 1 Japanese version:(ISBN978-4-08-880402-6)
English version:
Here is the first printed volume (in Japanese) of Hana Nochi Hare! As this is actually a shounen manga, it's published under the Jump Comics Plus imprint. As with all the other books on this page, I have included the ISBN here so you can easily search/find the book on bookstore websites and order it. This volume contains the first 6 chapters in Japanese, as well as a cute 4-page bonus comic featuring Akira and Soujiro from HYD. I'm not sure if Viz has any plans to release a print version of this book, but you can read the chapters here.
The Hana Yori Dango Manga Illustration Book!: The artbook was published back in 1995 and features many color illustrations from the early days of HYD. There has been so much great artwork since then, I wonder when they will release a 2nd artbook. I mean, it has been 20 years now, and no new artbook? What's up with that? There really needs to be one! I have scanned some images from the artbook. Check them out!
The anime and the manga are quite similar in story and in look. Well, not at first. I think in the manga, everyone looks a little odd (well, very odd in Doumyouji's case, his hair is weird even for him =) but everyone slowly evolves to looking like how they do in the anime. Many of the details and scenes are done in the exact same way in both anime and manga. Clothing is the same, scenes are layed out the same, etc. It seems to go 3 TV episodes per volume of manga, but not always. Also, there are some differences in the manga. There are some subplots and stoylines in the manga that the anime has either skipped, or not covered yet. The most noticible one to me right now is the beauty queen contest thing in volume 11... anyway, here are some pictures :) As the manga progresses, the artwork just gets better and better, and after the manga passes the place where the anime ends, it just continues to be really great!
I have placed thumbnails of the manga covers below, showing the covers of both the North American English Translated release and the oritginal Japanese release. I think, for the most part, the original English release from Viz is out of print, but you CAN get the whole series digitally over at VizManga
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 1 Japanese version:(ISBN4-08-848028-7)
English version:(ISBN1-56-931996-0)
Hmm believe it or not, the main storyline in this volume is covered in eps 1 and 2 of the anime.
Hana Yori Dango Volume 2 Japanese version:(ISBN4-08-848055-4)
English version: (ISBN1-56-931997-9)
The main events of anime episodes 3-6 are in here. As always, there are some slight changes here and there, but the main plot is the same.
Hana Yori Dango Volume 3 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848103-8)
English version: (ISBN1-56-931998-7) This volume runs right up to about the middle of anime episode 10.
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 4 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848123-2)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116112-6) This goes from the second half of episode 10 up to the middle of episode 14 or 15. Hehe, this is the volume that Tsukushi was reading in episode 5 of the anime. The page layout she was looking at in the anime is exactly the same as in the actual manga :)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 5 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848153-4)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116141-X) Hmm This covers from around the middle of episode 14 or 15, right to the end of episode 16 =) Love the ending of this volume =)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 6 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848193-3)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116314-5) Yay! This relates the events of episode 17 (or rather, episode 17 relates what happens in this volume=) through the end of episode 20. One of my favorite volumes =)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 7 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848223-9)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116370-6) This relates the events that were told in episodes 21-23 of the anime. This volume gets my vote for one of my favorite covers =)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 8 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848253-0)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116371-4) Hmm episodes 24-26 cover what happens in this volume, though from what I can tell, It looks like episode 26 ends just slightly differently here than in the anime.
Hana Yori Dango Volume 9 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848295-6)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116372-2) Yay! You would think by the cover of this volume that it would reflect episodes 27-29 of the anime. Well, in the very beginning it does, but it changes radically very quickly. This volume skips the whole Canada storyline and instead introduces a new character, Seinosuke. He is another love interest for Tsukushi. Seinosuke is not in the anime! Wah! He is cute too! As for the Canada storyline, I have been told that is does occur in the manga, but later on in the volumes that I haven't seen yet :) The anime has rearranged some events it seems. Oh well =\
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 10 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848343-X)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116629-2) This whole volume covers a storyline that is not (yet?) in the anime. It involves Seinosuke also.
Hana Yori Dango Volume 11 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848383-9)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116747-7)
This one also covers events that the anime has not touched yet... this is the one with the beauty queen contest thing in it. The Miss Teen Japan contest is pretty funny. Poor Tsukushi, forced to try to live up to the examples of Shizuka and Tsubaki who have both won the contest before! Heheh =) I need to see how the contest turned out! It continues into volume 12 =)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 12 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848423-1)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116801-5) The conclusion of the beauty contest that was not done in the anime. Tsukushi and Doumyouji entertain/babysit a kid for a day, and more!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 13 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848475-4)
English version: (ISBN1-59-116865-1) Tsukushi goes to Canada! This is the volume that covers some of my favorite episodes in the anime, eps 28-29! Tsukushi goes to Canada and falls into serious danger, with only Doumyouji there to save her life! :)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 14 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848549-1)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150018-3) This volume covers the introduction of Tsukushi's new, very cute friend named Junpei...
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 15 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848572-3)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150136-8) The Junpei incident! The junpei incident! See how Tsukushi got her fashionable haircut, and see Doumyouji risk his life for Tsukushi!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 16 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848611-0)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150262-3) This one begins with events that happen in episode 34 of the anime. I am not sure how close to the manga that the anime stays after this point :)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 17 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-948677-3)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150392-1) Yay, volume 17 at last! This volume is very cool, it covers roughly anime eps 38-42. Even though the anime has ended, I believe the manga is still running, so keep looking for more tankoubon volumes in the future!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 18 Japanese version:(ISBN4-08-848716-8)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150532-0) Wow! now things get really interesting! Unlike the Anime, which ends at ep 51, the manga keeps going! So the events in the manga that follow the whole 'Shigeru's hot springs' story take a very different turn than in the anime! Woo hoo, looks like Kin-san, the cute guy that wasn't in the anime, is back! And what is this? Tsukushi working as a servant at Doumyouji's mansion? Oh my!! |
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 19 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848766-4)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150533-9) Yay, a new volume! This Japanese one was published in March, 1998. It continues the saga of the series past the end of the anime. Yes in deed, Tsukushi is working as a household servant in Doumyouji's mansion! What a tough situation, forced to be nice and polite to him as her employer in the mornings when serving him breakfast, and then to argue with him as usual at school ^_^
This volume does have some good scenes between the two of them though :)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 20 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848805-9)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150534-7) I am always happy to see a new volume of the HYD manga come out! Can you imagine my excitement at finding this one? Woo hoo :) Anyway, this volume actually doesnt really focus on Tsukushi and Doumyouji as much as all the others. Instead the main romantic focus has shifted to Tsukushi's friend Yuki, who is having boyfriend problems, and interestingly enough, finds herself in a budding romance with one of the F4 :) Yay!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 21 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-848870-9)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150535-5) I just love the cover of this one! They both look soooo adorable! This is a great volume! Doumyouji's mom seems to be up to mischief again, and this time she's targeting Tsukushi's friends! Oh the lengths Doumyouji Kaede will go to to keep her son away from Tsukushi! There are some great scenes in this volume also, especially THE KISS ;)
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 22 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847023-0)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150985-7) Aww, what a bittersweet volume this is! Tsukushi living the life of a girl in a fishing village? Doumyouji being mean again!? That picture of Doumyouji in the rain! And that flowered shirt! Hehehe :) There's yet another new guy in this volume Yoshimatsu Matsutarou. Now that is a name for ya ^^.
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 23 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847074-5)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150986-5) Okay! This volume wraps up the fishing village storyline. I think my favorite bit from that was the arrival of Doumyouji, and him getting some pocket change from Rui for the villagers, ho ho ho! Lets see, Tsukushi is back in town and atEitoku Gakuen agan, thanks to an apartment from Doumyouji. Akira sports a new straight hairstyle that makes him look a LOT like Thomas from way back in the Sakurako storyline.. and what's this? Another new guy, this one claiming to be Doumyouji's cousin... looks just like him, with straight hair! Woo but what are his REAL intentions! ^_^
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 24 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847126-1)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150987-3) The continuing saga of Tsukushi, Doumyouji, and the mysterious look-alike "cousin"! The new guy is rather cute, but what is his secret? He seems to really like Tsukushi too, but is he honest? Things are strained between Tsukushi and Doumyouji, and the look-alike's arrival is not helping things. It looks like Doumyouji Kaede is once again plotting to tear our favorite couple apart!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 25
Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847178-4)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150988-1) Is it just me, or does Akira with straightened hair look a lot like Thomas now? Anyway... we learn who the look-alike is in this volume, and things heat up between him and Tsukushi, though not exactly in a romantic way. Tsukushi admits her feelings for Doumyouji, but that doesn't really mean everything will be happily ever after... ahh things must be so complicated!
Hana Yori Dango Volume 26 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847232-2)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150989-X) Even more on the saga of Doumyouji's look-alike, Amon. But then we can finally move on from that, yay! Tsukushi and Doumyouji's relationship gets stronger (IMHO)... Don't they look ADORABLE on the cover? ^_^
Hana Yori Dango Volume 27 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847288-8)
English version: (ISBN1-42-150990-3) Tsukushi and Doumyouji are trying to hide their relationship from everyone else, though they aren't doing that great of a job of it. Yuki reveals her feelings about Soujirou to Tsukushi, and then makes her confession to Nishikado himself. Tsukushi is worried about Yuuki, but is soon distracted by her own love-woes. She eventually makes a startling confession that leaves everyone speechless! This is soon followed by Tsukushi's family moving yet again, this time leaving Tsukushi and Susumu alone in their own little dingy apartment. But they have a new next-door neighbor who is sure to make things more interesting!
 Hana Yori Dango Volume 28 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847349-3)
English version: (ISBN1-42-151533-4) Ahh, a very lovely Nishikado Soujirou cover! I love his pose and expression here! This volume features him on the cover because most of the story inside is a side story/flashback that talks about Soujirou's past, and his first love. But first off there is the situation between Doumyouji and Tsukushi, with him sort of living in a room away from her, in an attempt by him to live in her world. But things don't go smoothly (big surprise there.) Meanwhile Yuki is struggling to find the key to a statement Soujirou made about his first love. She finally finds out what it means. Then comes Nishikado's flashback, and we learn about his first true love, and how he let her down and broke an important promise. It's a touching story!
Hana Yori Dango Volume 29 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847380-9)
English version: (ISBN1-42-151716-7) Doumyouji and Tsukushi face more opposition from Doumyouji's mother. However they still manage to go on an actual date... sort of ^_^ Tsukushi ends up going to New York and while there she encounters an old acquaintance. Unfortunately, her trip doesn't quite go as planned, and she is forced to return home sooner than planned. However in a rather surprising development, she is not returning home alone!
Hana Yori Dango Volume 30 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847428-7)
English version: (ISBN978-1421517179) Before Leaving New York, Tsukushi and Co. Eat at a fancy restaurant, but are unable to foot the bill. A hard night's work takes care of it, and a serious discussion reveals that Rui is not quite as indifferent to Tsukushi as she had always believed! He reveals some deeper emotions for her, leaving Tsukushi rather confused. This leads to a rather dramatic confrontation!
Hana Yori Dango Volume 31 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847470-8)
English version: (ISBN978-1421517186) Yay, a Rui cover! And he looks so cute here! I just love this cover ^_^ Even though Rui is on the cover of this volume, the focus is on Doumyouji and Tsukushi. Kidnapped together, Doumyouji and Tsukushi find themselves alone on a huge yacht. This forced closeness brings back tension and forces Tsukushi to once again reevaluate her feelings for Doumyouji. After landing on a mysterious island, Tsukushi comes to an important decision, but before she can grasp her dream, a shocking event pulls it away from her yet again!
Hana Yori Dango Volume 32 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847514-3)
English version: (ISBN978-1421517193)
Hana Yori Dango Volume 33 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847514-3)
English version: (ISBN978-1421517209)
Hana Yori Dango Volume 34
Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847608-5)
English version:(ISBN978-1421522487)
Hana Yori Dango Volume 35 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847646-8)
English version: (ISBN978-1421522494)
Hana Yori Dango Volume 36 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-847702-2)
English version: (ISBN978-1421522500)
Hana Yori Dango Volume 37 Japanese version: (ISBN4-08-846305-6)
English version: (N/A)
Released in Japan on June 25, 2008! This volume of side and after stories was not published in English, as far as I know.
Hana Yori Bunko Version
HYD is a long series and is very popular. Naturally it ended up getting reprinted into slightly larger collected volumes. Each one has more pages than a regular manga volume, so they can collect more of the story into fewer volumes. Of course, considering how long HYD is, there are still a lot of these volumes too @_@ I don't own these, but I wish I did (even though I already own the regular version ^_^) The covers are shown below.
Hana Yori Dango Cobalt Pinky Books
Here is another interesting HYD-related item- the HYD Cobalt Pinky books. These are little novel adaptations
of the HYD manga. Each book is japanese text only, with maybe an image from the manga thrown in here and there. Cobalt Pinky publishes books
like these for several anime series. So far I have bought only 3 of them because...well, I don't read much Japanese. But I like them anyway because not
only do they have nifty covers, each volume has 2 little color pics inside, the types of pictures that I expect to be found in the manga art book, or used on the
HYD covers of Margaret. Here are tiny pictures of the covers: