Welcome, oh brave souls, Katteni Kaizou! Do you like aliens, monsters, robots, ghosts, and other supernatural phenomena? Do you think there are secret plots and conspiracies hatched by shadowy figures lurking in every dark corner?
If so, you have found the right place! Join high school student Kaizo and his group of rather eccentric friends as they encounter all sorts of bizarre people and events. No one is safe in the land of Katteni Kaizou!
Katteni Kaizou is a manga by Kohji Kumeta. It is a ridiculous supernatural gag/parody comic that takes its humor into some rather crazy directions. The art style is simple yet at the same time it can be very complex.
Don't be fooled by the style of my page layout. Katte ni Kaizou is a SHOUNEN manga, and has a lot of very vulgar humor and humor based on puns.
In this page, I hope to outline the general plot of the series, describe the main characters, show some images, and give information about the manga publication so that everyone can join me in admiring the brilliance that is Katte ni Kaizou! :)
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Katte ni Kaizou is © Kohji Kumeta and Shogakukan.