
Hello, and welcome to my site. I love shoujo and josei manga (manga aimed at girls and women) and I love anime. However shoujo and josei stories are not often adapted into anime, at least not at the rate that shounen or seinen content is. Instead, shoujo and josei stories seem more likely to get live-action adaptations.

I made this site just to catalog/showcase all of the adaptations I could find, from both Japan and all over the world. There is no way this site will ever be complete, considering how many decades of shows there are and how hard it can be to find info on older shows. But I’ll give it my best shot, adding in as many as I can find. It would be great if I could actually get basic descriptions of the series too… I’ll add in all that info as I go along eventually!

Recently Added Entries

A Random Selection of TV Series

A Random Selection of Movies

A Random Selection of Korean Adaptations