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Live-Action Magical Girls



This was also made into an anime version called Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san.

Toei Fushigi Comedy Series

Mahou Shoujo Chuuka na Pai Pai!

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Mahou Shoujo Chuuka na Ipanema!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine

Airdates: Jan. 7, 1990 - Dec. 30, 1990
Episodes: 51

High school girl Yuko is visiting her local shrine one morning when the god of the shrine decides on a whim to grant her magical powers to protect the city as the magical girl Poitrine.

Fushigi Shoujo Nile na Thutmose

Episodes: 51

High school freshman Sanae is visiting her family grave/shrine to pay respects with her family when she accidentally trips and breaks off a part of the monument. To her surprise, spirits go rushing out, and she learns she has just released the 51 malevolent spirits bent on plunging the world into despair. It's up to Sanae to use the power of the ancient magical girl Thutmouse (an ancestor of hers) to recapture the spirits and return them to captivity in the shrine.

Utau! Dai Ryugujo

Airdates: Jan. 5 1992 - Dec. 27, 1992.
Episodes: 51

Otohime, princess of an underwater palace that was ravaged by pollution, comes to live in Japan with a boy named Taro who agrees to help her.

Yuugen Jikkou Sisters Shushutorian

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Girls x Heroine Series

Idol x Senshi Miracle Tunes

Airdates: Apr 2, 2017 - Mar. 25, 2018
Episodes: 51

Middle-school girl Kanon is thrilled when she passes the audition to join an Idol group with her favorite idol singer, Mai. She's surprised to discover that Mai has a secret identity as a magical girl Idol Warrior Miracle Tunes! Kanon quickly joins Mai in her fight to save a magical musical world along with 3 other new members.

Mahou x Senshi Magi Majo Pures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Himitsu x Senshi PhantoMirage

Airdates: Apr 7, 2019 - Mar 29, 2020
Episodes: 51

Kokomi, a care-free middle school girl who likes social media, is granted the power to change into a magical PhantoMirage heroine in order to fight the evil forces of the Opposite Police who corrupt the hearts of good people. Kokomi's mission is to steal the naughty hearts and return people to being good again.She's soon joined by a team of other phantom thieves.

Police × Heroine Lovepatrina!

Airdates: July 26, 2020 - Present
Episodes: 51


Shining Na Ra

Airdates: July 21, 2017 - August 25, 2017
Episodes: 12

A Korean web series about a young girl named Na Ra who has a crush on an older boy who is an idol. One day she finds a magical make-up kit that aallows her to transform into a 16 year-old version of herself. She uses the magic to try to meet the idol she likes, and ends up training to be an idol herself.

Socialite Belle Panchanne

Airdates: Apr. 3, 2007 - Jun. 26, 2007
Episodes: 13

Yumiko, a long-retired magical girl, is asked by a god to resume her duties to protect the city from a new threat. Now a housewife, Yumiko must balance her time with her family and her time fighting monsters.

Dancing Baby DoFaLa

Airdates: 2015-2016
Episodes: 60

A Chinese Magical Girl show

Xiaoling Magic World

Airdates: 2019 Season 1: Episodes: 10
Season 2: Announced
A Chinese Magical Girl show about a Princess in disguise who attends a magical academy and fights to defeat the evil Dark Family in an idol singing competition with the help of her friends.

Princess Aibi Diamond Heart

Season 1: 2019, Episodes: 21
Season 2: 2020, Episodes: 22
Another Chinese Magical Girl show. I'm not exactly sure about the title, It might be 'Princess Abby' or something else, I'm not sure. I can't find much information in this, so I'm just basing this on some episodes I watched raw. This is a low-budget kids show about a magic land that is attacked by shadow people who try to steal a box but fail, and the contents of the box scatter.